In this article, we will explore the necessary measures for termite prevention to safeguard your home. Let’s discover simple yet effective solutions to deal with termites.
1. Pre-Construction Termite Prevention Measures
1.1. Construction-Based Termite Prevention
To prevent termites from infiltrating and damaging structures, the following construction measures can be implemented:
Creating a Barrier Layer:
Apply a thick layer of cement-sand mortar to seal the foundation wall, approximately 3 cm thick.
This creates a sturdy barrier to prevent termite intrusion from the soil to the ground surface.
Using Sandy Soil:
After sealing the foundation wall, fill with sandy soil as the base.
Sandy soil has good compaction properties and makes it difficult for termites to penetrate.
Compacting the Soil:
After filling with sandy soil, compact the soil surface to create an even and solid surface.
This helps enhance the resistance to termite intrusion and prevents them from reaching the ground surface.
Applying an Additional Layer of Cement Mortar:
After compacting the soil surface, apply an additional layer of cement mortar with a thickness of about 3 cm.
This cement mortar layer provides a final protective layer, enhancing waterproofing and termite resistance properties.

1.2. Tile Flooring Termite Prevention Measures
Tile flooring termite extermination method is an effective measure to prevent termite intrusion into structures. For buildings requiring termite prevention at the alert level, constructing a layer of stone concrete beneath the flooring is necessary to limit the gap between the flooring and the structure, preventing termite intrusion.
1.3. Stainless Steel Mesh System Termite Prevention
Constructing a barrier layer using stainless steel mesh is an effective solution to prevent termite intrusion. To apply this method, investors need to select stainless steel types such as stainless steel 304, which has high durability, and use a mesh with a minimum diameter of 0.16 and smaller mesh size of 0.72mm x 0.49mm.
However, when using this method for termite prevention, it is important to ensure that the steel mesh does not come into contact with other metals to avoid electrochemical corrosion, causing unwanted issues.
1.4. Building a Long-Term Termite Barrier Mesh System
Constructing a long-term termite barrier mesh system is a common and effective method for termite prevention and eradication in structures. This system includes underground pipes surrounding the foundation, using termite control chemicals to prevent termite intrusion and protect your area.
This method brings many benefits, including cost savings for long-term termite treatment, through regular application of termite control chemicals for about 3 to 5 years. Treatment areas are also securely locked for safety. This is a powerful termite extermination method without affecting health.
2. Post-Construction Termite Prevention Measures
2.1. Limiting Excessive Moisture
Moisture is an important factor attracting pests like termites. To effectively prevent termites, it is important to maintain appropriate moisture levels indoors. In natural conditions such as weather, especially in the spring in the North with high humidity up to 100%, you can invest in a dehumidifier to reduce indoor moisture. In summer, using air conditioning will help maintain a cool indoor temperature and remove excess moisture from the air. It is important to maintain humidity around 40-70% to prevent termite and other pest growth.
2.2. Repairing Leaky Areas
Repairing leaking areas in the house is an issue you should pay attention to for termite prevention. Old damaged roofs and damp walls are ideal targets for termites. Therefore, it is necessary to promptly repair and seal cracks, while checking and maintaining regularly, especially in the basement or less frequented areas. Basements are at higher risk because they are close to the ground and easily attacked by termites.
2.3. Regular Housekeeping
To maintain the effectiveness of termite extermination, regular housekeeping is extremely important. Even if you hire professional teams, if you do not keep the house clean and ventilated, it is difficult to maintain effectiveness. Pay attention to unused papers, hard covers, magazines, and old newspapers, as they are ideal environments for harmful pests like termites and moths. If a room is attacked by termites, make sure not to move items from that room to unaffected rooms.
2.4. Avoid Piling or Storing Wood or Wood Fragments near the House
Wood is the favorite food of termites, especially outdoor wood that is easier to attack and has high moisture retention if stacked near the house. When termites appear near the house area, they can easily invade indoors to destroy wooden furniture. If you need to store wood, make sure to keep a sufficient distance between the ground and the wood to ensure dryness. You can create physical barriers such as stone or cement foundations before placing wood on top.
When detecting termite-infested furniture, you should expose the furniture to direct sunlight for at least three consecutive days. This is particularly effective in summer as termites cannot withstand high temperatures. High temperatures will kill termites and remove moisture from wooden furniture, thereby preventing re-invasion. Then, clean the furniture and use termite spray before placing it back indoors. However, consider the material of the furniture, as not all materials are suitable for prolonged exposure to strong sunlight.
Additionally, there are several other measures to limit termite infestation:
Keep the soil around the foundation dry after construction.
Fill in gaps to prevent termite intrusion into the structure (use cement, mortar, or glue to fill cracks in the foundation and around building materials).
Ensure the structure has ventilation and airflow.
Avoid planting too many trees and dense bushes near the house.
Regularly check the house for early detection of termite nests. To understand more about the risk of termites to wooden furniture, especially industrial wood, you can find more information.
We hope the above article will help you have more Termite Prevention Measures before and after building a house. We are always ready to support you wherever you are.
Cre: pcs
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